Sunday, May 28, 2006

England photos

I so totally suck at updating this. (Yes, I know that's a recurring theme here.) The trip to England was really nice. The in-laws were on their best behavior and we all really enjoyed the visit. The wedding was really nice too. I didn't know Helen very well at all, but I can happily say we are now friends as well as sisters-in-law. She's much younger than me so I feel very "big sister-ish" towards her. Kinda fun.

I ended up shooting a bunch of photos at the wedding when their photographer flaked on them. I still need to process lots of them, but here are some that I did for the Grandparents.

A truly monumental photograph...The first time I have captured all three kids smiling!

Andy loved his "fancy clothes." He looked absolutely adorable in his waist coat and cravatt.

Andy was quite taken with Helen. He loved her "big dress" and he kept looking for her (and only her) during the entire dance. His Great Aunt Vera gave him the England shirt so he changed out of his wedding clothes into it.

Here's Emma showing off her flower girl dress. She really looked and felt like a princess. When she though no one was watching, she'd spin round and round to make the skirt flare out. It was so cute!

Here's a great shot of Emma and Uncle Mike. Both kids really loved getting to know him better this trip. I think the admiration was definitely mutual!

It took some convincing, but eventually Nana Ivy and Great Great Aunt Lil got Emma out on the dance floor! (not bad for 90 and 84 respectively, huh?!)

Once she started, she danced for hours. She really had a good time dancing with some distant cousins and here with Helen.

One of my favorites of the night.

From our impromtu photo shoot after the photographer fiasco.

And I even managed to get into a photo (and don't totally hate it).

That's all for now. I'll keep posting more as I get them processed.


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