Emma's birthday is Tuesday and we'd been secretly planning a surprise trip downtown to American Girl Place. But last week she was switched into another gymnastics class (more about that later) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Then we thought we'd go Monday when she got out of school. I remembered last night that I have my six week post-partum appointment tomorrow afternoon, so that shot that plan too. So, last night we realized that our only time to go was today. Not exactly the place I had planned for a Sunday, but for our little princess? of course we'd do it.
When the kids got up this morning, we told them we were going on an adventure. I whispered to Andy that we were going to New York City, which Emma heard, so for quite awhile that's what they thought. We rolled out of the house about 10.00 and made it to the city by 11.00, not too bad. We weren't sure where the store was so we circled the block and found it. I told Emma to look out the window and her eyes got huge when she saw the store. We found an overpriced parking garage and got all of our crap out of the van and into the stroller. By now it's nearly 11.30 and Andy is hungry. Didn't help that he saw a McDonalds as we were going to the garage.
We had a quick lunch and then took off towards AGP. Emma still wasn't sure we were even going in. I'm not sure if she just didn't want to get her hopes up or what. But we asked if she'd like to check it out and she said yes. :)
That place was a madhouse! I'm telling you it was insane. And the girls were all pretty polite, but the moms, damn! they were pushy. Since Alex was in the stroller we couldn't squeeze through tight crowds. As I politely stood waiting for a large group to pass and a woman pushed past us, literally moving the stroller, while dragging her poor daughter along. Ugh, I hate people like that. Anyway, we walked around the Just Like Me section and finally found the display of dolls. We found the one Emma wanted and I'm still not sure she believed she was getting it. We got in line, paid and Emma had her doll.
She was actually pretty overwhelmed with the crowds in the store so we didn't many pictures. She's so much like me; I was always very self-conscious getting my picture taken as a kid (and still hate it!) so she didn't want to pose, but we did make her do a couple. I reminded her that I needed to scrap the day so she grudgingly gave in. :)
Introducing Leia Marie Vickers. (She named her all on her own.)
Emma's quite thrilled that our house now has 3 boys and 3 girls. LOL
After AMP, we walked to the John Hancock Building. We thought they'd like to go the Observatory and look around. Of course, since the day turned out very sunny, lots of other people had the same idea. We waited in line for tickets for about 10 minutes. Then they announced that it was a 20 minute wait for the elevator to go up. Since we had at least an
other 15 minutes in the ticket line, we decided to bail. Andy was very tired since he didn't have a nap yesterday. I was worried we'd finally get up there and he'd immediately want to leave. Turns out it was a good decision. We sat down outside for a few minutes and then headed back to the car. Andy was really tired by the time we got there and fell asleep almost instantly.
We drove to Lakeview to show Emma where we lived when she was born. After a quick stop to feed Alex in the car, we headed back to Lake Shore Drive and then made the turn west toward home.
Emma has played with Leia non-stop since we got home. She's done her hair, changed her clothes and carried her everywhere. It's very cute. She called Grandma to tell her about her big adventure. She told her, "I still can't believe that mom and dad spent $87 on a doll for me. They must really think I'm a big girl and deserve it." Awwww. Honestly, that's it exactly. She's been such a big help with Alex and has grown up so much in the past couple of months that we feel like she's ready to actually take care of a doll like this.
All in all, it was a fantastic day.